To be finished in January 2024
Who is Ludwing?
LudwinG is, or better say I am, a man who loves his wife and five children… yes! five! Cinco! Cinq!… like everyone else… Ludwing is not perfect, just ask my wife, my children, my parents, grandparents, cousins, friends, not friends, and everyone else. However, I strife to be the best person I can be, since this is very difficult I depend entirely on the grace of God though Christ Jesus that enables me to not go off the chart. My faith in the complete work of Christ is what has shaped my life, my destiny, our family and the road ahead.
- LudwinG is an Artist, a Minister, and a Graphic Designer. To read more about Ludwing's Life, click on here

Ludwing The ArTist
An experience worth enjoying.
Look how these two swans are enjoying their love within a nice glass of red wine, their wings are like flames.
I drew this piece for our first wedding anniversary; and it remains as real today as then.
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Indeed, one of my favorite drawing, and one that has so much history with the exposure of my art. This one was exposed on the Visual Elements 55, a yearly juried …
“I know people will be happy when I am gone” a resident told me some time ago. He acknowledged he had done wrong to many people; people that the resident …
Some time ago, one of our residents, a beautiful lady who was over ninety years of age told me about her ardent desire to meet someone and marry him, she …